Internship Programme

  • Experience level : Stage ou apprentissage
  • Activity : Group
  • Office : Geneva

Benefits for Intern

  • Offers valuable on-the-job training, hands on learning about a future career in Private Banking and prepares for full-time work following graduation
  • Fosters a professional network to facilitate knowledge sharing
  • Gives the opportunity to complete internship also outside of the traditional period (summer), to do it in the fall, winter or spring or even after graduation and for a longer period
  • May lead to future employment opportunities within the Syz Group.


Who should apply?

  • Students from universities, engineering schools or hospitality schools – full time or part-time during the school year
  • Completion of a minimum of four terms of a Bachelor degree or enrollment in a Master’s degree
  • You wish to validate a degree or acquire hands-on experience
  • The successful intern will also have high academic grades, a strong desire to learn, curiosity and initiative.


Which type of internship?

  • Between 6 to 12 months for university students – enrolled in Master programme or advanced in Bachelor programme from a University,  engineering school, or Hospitality school (2 p.a.)
  • Off cycle intern – On an exceptional basis depending on a special need - -> minimum 3 months
  • Possessing a Swiss or EU passport.


What business areas at Syz offer internships?

  • Wealth Management
  • Alternative investments
  • Chief Investment Office
  • Chief Operating Office
  • Finance
  • Marketing & Communications
  • Information Technology


What do we offer?

  • Practical experience in the field of your interest
  • On the job training
  • Guidance & mentorship from senior professionals
  • Possibility of expanding your professional network
  • Opportunity to do a Master’s thesis on your subject if you are already enrolled in a Master’s degree.
Apply for this position

If this position is of interest to you, send us your complete application by filling in the Internet form.

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